Arman Boshyan, MS

Arman Boshyan, MS

Mr. Arman Boshyan is the Software Solutions Architect at ClinSoft, Armenia. Software engineer with over 15 years of management experience in IT companies and more than 20 years of software design/development experience. Arman Boshyan is an expert in computation geometry and image processing. Mr. Arman Boshyan is the founder of various IT companies, based on innovative solutions in field of computational geometry and 3D graphics. Head software architect of various solutions in the field of Web3D and real-time rendering systems. Extensive experience in the development of various software systems: rendering engines, systems related to financial operations, handlers of complex video data streams.
Mr. Arman Boshyan holds a Master degree in Engineering from National University of Architecture & Construction of Armenia.

  • On November 5, 2019
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